KEA provides all kinds of care and comfort as far as accommodation in concerned. It has air-conditioned hostels. In the Primary and Secondary sections, twelve beds are provided in one dormitory with attached washrooms. Each dormitory has experienced Warden, Dorm-in-charge and an Ayah to look after the students and they keep a keen eye and take proper care of the students.  The Senior Secondary section for the boys is located in a different building with four beds in each room. The Senior Secondary section for the girls is located in a separate floor with three/four beds in each room.

The Academy has a spacious dining hall; providing sitting capacity to 300 students in the Non-Vegetarian Section and 100 students in the Vegetarian Section. Wholesome, varied and balanced food is cooked in Indian style under the supervision of an experienced Mess Manager. Menus are planned with due regard to the principles of dietetics. Meals distributions are supervised by Teachers and other staff members. Wastage of food is not encouraged at all. All the bakery products are made by the schools bakers only.

The Academy has a tie-up with “Project Child”, a group of doctors who along with regular monitoring on the health conditions of the students conduct ‘Health Check-up Camp’ twice in an academic year. They are assisted by well trained residential nurses. There is a well-equipped infirmary with two eight bedded isolation wards (separate for boys and girls). Health statistics of students are regularly taken and records are maintained. In special cases, students are taken to the local Nursing Home for necessary treatment.

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